Ava"- Pr comp moon traveled from 19° Aqua to 1° Pisces in the pr comp 7H (regular comp 8H), aspecting most of our composite & pr comp planets as it progressed, because our composite/pr comp is mostly third decan.
Yes, usually if pr Moon does that, it signals busy times. I remember the year my progressed Moon was in Virgo and was transiting over P`s NN, pr NN, Mars, Jupiter, pr Mars and pr Jupiter - really fun times! (opp. his pr Venus)
Then after a slight pause, my pr Moon reached his natal and progressed Saturn, natal DESC and natal Vertex (though also squaring his natal Sun, MOon and MC), before it left for Libra, which is comparatively uneventful in relation to his chart (though it is heading towards a conjunction with his 7th house Pluto. Quite curious about that one. lol
"1. First meeting: Sun trine Juno (they are square in regular composite);"
That is interesting. I guess that gave you at least temporary a possibility to manifest that aspect in more harmonious terms. INterestingly something similiar happened when I first met P. in natal composite Mars is closely square Moon, when we first met pr Moon was at 6 PIsces (conjunct p Psyche at 7 PIsces), trine pr Mars at 7 Scorpio.
Last year our pr Moon in Leo was then at some point squaring pr Mars. I think I can attest to if that happens, such an aspect repeating in the progressions, that something is up and due. lol (the trine was more pleasant of course, though obviously Moon-Mars is reactive, you can`t help it, you ar ejust triggered by each other. Red buttons and the likes).
"However, pr comp moon @ 24 Aqua was applying to opposition with my husband's natal Mars, and there was a moon-Mars conjunction on our pr comp Juno that night, and the phenomenon does have that moon-Mars signature now that I think of it, though it was more Uranian.
Well pr comp Moon in Aquarius is Uranian. I also notice that the transits often come into play big times, and frequently it will be the planet that is triggere din the composite, that is coming as a transit, like in his case Tr Moon-Mars to composite MOon and his natal Mars. Possibly the Moon-Mars and esp. the Mars-factor came more from him I could imagine, and maybe you were more manifesting the Moon.
also I notice Juno, pr or natal comp Juno playing a big role.
"Mars sextile Saturn exact (these remain exact through next two events)
Seems like a nice balance, constructive, at least in terms of acting, doing things together, somehow working together on the partnership or other projects. Curiously enough P´s and my regular composite has that Mars sextile Saturn (under 2 degrees, so one of the close aspects). of course Mars also squares Moon and Saturn quinkunxes MOon, which honestly speaking sucks. lol (well he has Moon square SAturn natally I have Moon quinkunx Saturn natally, our first meeting chart had Moon conjunct Pluto and trine Saturn exactly - I guess it simply is a theme)
Moon-Square-Mars can be quite volatile and angry with each other, Moon quinkunx Saturn of course speaking about feelings of inferiority (inbuilt in our personality profile already) and making for quite some uncomfortable situations and feelings. However it seems that the sextile between Mars and Saturn is rather helpful in coming back to reality and just work things out in some way, until the next time. lol
Anyway but a better example of course are my parents they have a Mars-Saturn-conjunction in the composite (around 2 degrees), which happens because they have a DW conjunction in synastry. Now I know that this is a dreaded combination, and it is difficult but usually mostly as square, quinkunx or opposition. or if the conjunction has very challenging aspects. in their case the synastric conjunctions are trine/opposite Jupiter, and trine / sextile MErcury, with no real difficult aspects nearby.
Anyway when they got married actually their pr composite Moon (in Taurus) was trining this conjunction, and actually right aiming at the midpoint between them.
"4. Engagement: Sun square moon exact (waxing), forming exact Pythagorean Triangle with Juno
Sun trine Juno is of course helpful.
Sun square Moon is an interesting aspect, but it does not always have to be negative or separative. Usually it just is a point of decision, demanding a decision. Sometimes coming after a crisis of course, and the decision depends a lot on what was the status quo before, and where things are headed.
People often tend to get together (or separate) with those lunar phases, including the semisquare and sesisquare actually, though maybe to a little less intense degree (but those little aspects are part of the lunar cycle as well; the crescent Moon, the gibbuous Moon, the disseminating and then the balsamic Moon)
"5. Wedding: same as first date + DSC square regular composite NN exact
DESC-NN makes a lot of sense to me. The relationship/ marriage had been the skipped step, and it was time to manifest it at that point, that moment, as part of the composite`s destiny.
"One thing Jewel didn't say: A stellium forming in the progressed composite increases the likelihood of increased interaction or familiarity I think."
Yes, definitely agree. Also often the midpoints of such a stellium is very sensitive (and of course within it other midpoints may be formed)
Also we have to pay attention to the orb, what it means in time. For example when my parents got married they had p Jupiter trine p Juno by 0°07. 7 minutes sounds extremely close, however this aspect got exact only 4 years afterwards.
They do have a Juno-Jupiter-trine with half a degree in their regular composite as well. the reason this one is sooooo slow, is that Jupiter and Juno in their cases are approxmiately equal in motion.
Of course this was still an important one, however I believe that there might have been specific reasons, like Tr Jupiter had been just over their pr composite Jupiter a few weeks before, and must have become retrograde, and was EXACTLY conjunct thier pr composite Jupiter (and trine pr c Juno) when I was being born (along with Tr Ceres tracking)
Wel actually such a thing happens with P and his wife`s pr composite, they have a conjunction of pr Sun and pr Venus there, that has just come under 1 degree orb, however it will only become exact in late 2024 (and after that become exact again, when P is in his ninteties or so. lol)
The reason for that is that her Venus just couldn`t decide if it should stay retrograde or not, but ultimately decided it would turn direct again. making Venus extremely slow and by now tracking pr Sun in motion.
Howevver an aspect that is within 1 degree for like 50 years, will not express itself in external events for the value of those 50 years, even if it is under 1 degree ( gues sthat is why Jewel was mentioning the year before and after exactness, irrespective of actual orb, cause orbs can vary a lot. usually Sun-Venus aspects would dissipate with 2 years or so).
Maybe it does say something about an underlying longer lasting harmony and affection there, but the external events must be tracked by other things, maybe the time of actual exactness and/ or transits to that conjunction, or other inner planets and angles progressing to make aspects.
Interestingly this conjunction will become exact on 29°48 Pisces (september 2024). Yes, I tracked this one, cause I was curious if it would perfect the conjunction on 00 Aries or 29 Pisces. lol
(of course there are other aspects going on, too. like pr composite Mars applying to square their SAturn-Pluto-conjunction, n and pr, and well pr Moon will be on that Saturn-Pluto-conjunction, so also squared by pr composite Mars; cannot hone it down tototally exactly, but we are talking about maybe a range of 6 months for the pr Moon here, so that is pretty simultaneously. Well as much as I would envy that Sun-Venus-conjunction, I am glad not to have pr Mars square SAturn and Pluto and quinkunx Neptune in any composite. it is of course always a combination of things)