Post by lumina on Apr 14, 2018 15:47:50 GMT
where is the fun, magic and playful sexy spark in your relationship? Along with the creativity factor of course!
orbs for harmonic charts in synastry are:
conjunction: 8 degrees opposition: 4 degrees trines: about 2-3 degrees squares: abuot 2-3 degrees (sextiles: 1 and a bit degrees) (quinkunxes: under 1 degree actually, maybe 0°45)
in Cochrane`s words "playfulness. Experimenting and having fun with the planets. this leads to creativity"
Post by lumina on Apr 14, 2018 15:59:10 GMT
also oppositions in the 5th harmonic chart are really 10th harmonic aspects natally, and they mean "play with others". So keep an eye on the oppositions in 5th harmonic synastry in particular, to see how well you play with each other. trines in a 5th harmonic chart = 15th harmonic aspect natally "Harmonious play. playful in a non competitive way." squares in a 5th harmonic chart = 20th harmonic aspect "creativity is important. supporter of the arts. supporting (actively) creative expression. the need to achieve something creative or playful or fascinating. Getting easily bored." BTW the higher the harmonic the more internalized the expression gets, the lower harmonic manifest more overtly of course. so a trine and a square in 5th harmonic chart might be much less observeable than the conjunction or opposition, just like in natal charts. it is pretty much the same I guess.
Post by 12YearsABlob on Apr 14, 2018 16:06:01 GMT
My Venus-Jupiter likes the sound of this. Let me check 5th harmonic synastry for people I have good chemistry with...
Post by lumina on Apr 14, 2018 16:23:53 GMT
my 5th harmonic I think you can almost hear my Moon-Mars-Jupiter to shout out for anyone`s aspecting it. lol P`s 5th harmonic
Post by 12YearsABlob on Apr 24, 2018 1:22:06 GMT
^ Awesome! I looked into this and had a big 'dohh' moment when I realized the conjunctions I was seeing were the quintiles from synastry. Interesting to look at, though - some aspect completions, like the ones you mentioned are remarkable.
Post by Ava on Apr 27, 2018 21:42:40 GMT
Still haven't gotten into this, I intend to watch at least some of Cochrane's video before venturing into the subject in earnest. Just reading elsewhere about the Golden Ratio and I saw this: See the similarity to this illustration of the Golden Ratio @ wikipedia.Lots of Golden Ratios in the solar system: www.goldennumber.net/solar-system/Excerpt from that link: "Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days while Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, creating a ratio of 8/13 (both Fibonacci numbers) or 0.615 (roughly phi.) Thus 5 conjunctions of Earth and Venus occur every 8 orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every 13 orbits of Venus." Which reminds me of the inferior and superior conjunctions of Venus, and the five-pointed star that makes: khaldea.com/planets/venus_type.shtmlWe talked about that at The Other Place. I wonder if quintiles are Venusian by nature, or I just don't know enough about this.
Post by lumina on Apr 28, 2018 10:24:25 GMT
Yes i feel 5th harmonic IS a Bit venusian with a Dash of Uranus.
The Venus star ist a Very interesting Thing btw, IT IS Not Always perfekt quintiles or biquintile But inthink Sometimes almost has quinkunx. Btw i think next fullmoon falls Into my Venus star in my Natal
Post by lumina on Apr 28, 2018 10:29:05 GMT
Ah noo, IT IS too wide, i have IT at 13 Scorpio. Well P's IS at 1 Virgo, so in our Case they are actually pretty exact quintiles each other.
Post by Ava on Apr 28, 2018 11:25:00 GMT
Yes i feel 5th harmonic IS a Bit venusian with a Dash of Uranus. Is the Uranus part the math part? The Venus star ist a Very interesting Thing btw, IT IS Not Always perfekt quintiles or biquintile But inthink Sometimes almost has quinkunx. Btw i think next fullmoon falls Into my Venus star in my Natal I assume the Venus star is the last conjunction before you were born? List here, if anyone wants to check: cafeastrology.com/sun-venus-cycle-astrology.htmlLast conjunction before I was born: Inferior Conjunction Is Exact 27 Aug 1975 9:10:39 am EDT in Virgo 3° Virgo, conjunct my husband's 6° Virgo Venus (and his Mercury)
Post by lumina on Apr 28, 2018 12:07:05 GMT
Last conjunction before I was born: Inferior Conjunction Is Exact 27 Aug 1975 9:10:39 am EDT in Virgo 3° Virgo, conjunct my husband's 6° Virgo Venus (and his Mercury) Nah, no math! But 5th harmonic has the quirky quality of Uranus. Venus on its own would be just a bit too complacent, but here is some spark of new life. After all it is the harmonic of creation, (and though Cochrane does not put it like this, I do think it ight in some instances also relate to pro-creation, as there is just no more creative act than bringing a child into this world! I mean if that is not creative or creating, I do not know what else would be! But of course mostly the 5th relates to play and creativity. ) As for the Venus Star points, you do look up the prenatal one, unless you have been born within a week before a new one, then that might be of greater influence. though personally I am not sure that is consistent thinking, but she said so. Haha, 3 Virgo? Of course yours would be in Virgo. According to ARiane Guttman, that means that P and you are TWIN STARS. lol Because you have the same VSP (Venus-Star - Point). There is also a KARMIC STAR, which in her description seems to be the most compulsive, and there are CREATIVE STARS, which is the category P and me fall into. It is a little more "free will", it seems. lol Well what she writes about the creative stars is : "Among those pairings are many successful artistic, musical and business partnerships. These partners usually have no karmic debts to each other and their relationships generally reflect romance, play and freedom. ... perhaps there is less long term security or transformation int his pairing as is in the Karmic Star, but there is also less control and more freedom. These couple see each other as comfort food with neither partner bent on forcing the other to comply to a certain agenda. People might feel the freedom to come and go from this type of relationship with no strings attached." Well partly I resonate with this much, and partly not at all. lol Maybe the signs involved play a role, I can`t imagine anything in Scorpio to be able to leave any situation at all with "no strings attached".
Post by lumina on Apr 28, 2018 12:26:00 GMT
How cool about your Moon on my Venus!
Also your 5th harmonic is pretty intriguing, especially that minor triangle there of Moon-Saturn-pluto, it is fascinating as the 5th harmonic feels to me mostly with that sense of play, wonder, spark, fun, like you are just playing around and by doing so creating something almost as a byproduct of fun.
And Moon-SAturn-Pluto, is just so intense and serious. On the other hand John Lennon had a strong alignment of Sun-Moon-Pluto, and he certainly brought a lot of intensity into his creativity.
Well a trine in the 5th harmonic chart equals a 15th harmonic aspect and a sextile a 30th harmonic aspect (5 multiplied with 3 and 6).
So basically it means that your natal chart vibrates or has very close aspect of Moon in 15th harmonic to Pluto and both in 30th harmonic to Saturn.
15th harmonic is mainly about harmonious, non competitive, flowing play (because the 5th harmonic chart is about playing, and trines are about a smooth flow of things, not forcing anything).
30th harmonic is about imagination and also about being able to synthesize different ideas in a harmonious well. Also rather supportive of creativity.
And then of course the Uranus-Neptune-opposition is very interesting, and there is an aspect of supernatural perception here, a true intuition, which might also of course relate to 5th harmonic things, so it might come to you in playful situation or just in very bizarre out of nowwhere ways.
Of course this relates to a 10th harmonic aspect in your natal between Uranus-Netpune; that has to do with "play with others". So your intuition might come really alive when or through interaction with others, which possibly makes this here sensitive to other people`s 5th harmonic planets (not natal ones!) on this Libra-Aries-axis and of course possAnd ofibly also relating to the 2 degrees of the other cardinal signs or Aqua-Gemini, Sag-Leo).
And of course there is this Yod pointing to Venus, and another planet falling onto either these points or maybe even more so onto 2 Pisces (in the 5th harmonic), might be a draw int his harmonic chart for you.
Well and of course we see Saturn squaring Venus - and I think that might actually work to your advantage to a degree at least, as Saturn might keep and kind of too excessive dreaming (5th harmonic is in itself bubbly and externalizing things and tends to extremes. Major ups and downs. lol ) in check and bordered in reality.
squares in a 5th harmonic relate to 20th harmonic aspects, and that is about achieving something tangible in terms of creativity. it`s like saying: "Dreaming/ Playing isn`t enough. What`s going to be the result in the real world?"
Post by 12YearsABlob on Apr 28, 2018 17:54:58 GMT
Ava, I love the golden ratio! It's everywhere. *_* lumina, I can see how 5th harmonic (quintile, biquintile) aspects have a Venus-Uranus vibe. Jewel Mayberry also mentions that quintiles are "where we're cute". Our personal quirks that other people might not get away with - but when we do it, it's cute.
Post by lumina on Apr 28, 2018 18:21:27 GMT
12YearsABlob yes, I read or heard about that on one of her videos I think. I like that thought, it`s like that zany crazy aspect in our psyche and yet people love us for it. Just like they loved (though did not understand) Mozart for his childlikeness. It`s like who could ever NOT like a puppy totally immersed in his playing?
Post by 12YearsABlob on Apr 29, 2018 0:30:14 GMT
Guys, my Sun is joining the party with your Moon & Venus. I've no idea how to read this chart, but thrilled to find 5th harmonic synastry with you two on *this* thread.
Post by lumina on Apr 29, 2018 12:47:02 GMT
Ava, "Moon-Saturn-Uranus? " Sorry, I meant Moon-Saturn-Neptune. But of course Moon-Saturn-Uranus is another one. Well Moon-Saturn-Neptune might make you prone to somber moods, but I think the nature of the 5th harmonic might also show you a way out of certain depressive "moments". Moon-Saturn-Neptune is prone to depressions sometimes, but here those are harmonious aspects plus it is the 5th harmonic, so I think it won`t be that bad. However you need to have the liberty to be creative or following your ideas and thoughts, as bizarre as they might seem. Someone trying to repress that unique style of thinking of yours (including astrology) could seriously depress you for some time. until you find a workable solution around that. "The only time I've ever played psychic was at LL, and that's exactly what I called it, "Let's Play Psychic." " I refrain from using the term "psychic", I rather think of it as being in tune with the rhythm and melody and sound of the universe, at times more than at other times. That is what I think of your Uranus-neptune-as well, picking up those seemingly unconnected things and vibrations and see the underlying patterns and truth, that other people might not see, even though they look at the same thing. generally I think of all people as intuitive or telepathic or so on, but you need a certain receptivity to get into that, and sometimes you need a matching counterpart or person so this can manifest. "with, to test this. Husband's 5th harmonic Neptune: 29 Aqua Ex's 5th H. Moon: 6 Pisces" Pretty amazing!!
Post by lumina on Apr 29, 2018 14:39:18 GMT
Ava that is very interesting! Well Saturn on Moon/Neptune is a mp for depression among other things, feelings of emotional isolation, maybe borne from an extreme sensitivity towards other people reactions which might feel restrictive. But I am glad you found ways to deal with that. I must clarify though, I am not talking about clinical depression here, that is a whole different can of worms, of course, but about being prone to depressed moods, which is different, I think. The description of the loss of vision, or the reduction is interesting, too. I`ve been having warped vision since I was a child, I gguess I was born with it, not just a near or farsightedness (I always forget which one of both it is, but I think it is farsightedness), but also and mainly a corneal irregularity or astigmatism, which means that I have never been able and never will be able to see things as other people do, medically speaking I mean. But I`ve never known it any different. I guess it means that I don`t want to see things as they "are", sort of blurring reality, I also read that this is often coming with having Neptune conjunct ASC, so in my case that is very true. lol Oh and I remember after I came home from a concert many years ago, where I had seen P pretty much for the first time face to face, though not talked to him, I was having a pretty intense night afterwards (I suppose I couldn´t handle the energetic outpouring. lol), and the next morning I was suddenly having a blind spot in my eye. The eye doctor said it was blood on my retina, which can happen sometimes and it usually heals itself in a few weeks. and I was joking to people saying: "I wonder what I am turning a blind eye to." (Well today I am pretty sure I know. lol) Curiously that blood in my retina and nuisance to my eyesight had healed itself completely just the week before I saw P again and we were having our first talk.